If you wish to make a regular donation you can do so by setting up a monthly standing order with your bank for say €,10, €20, €50 or more in favour of St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society. The best way to do this is to contact our office by telephone at +353 (0)1 6762593 or by email at

You can also donate on a regular basis using your credit or debit card or PayPal

Tax Benefit on Individual Donations

There is a tax benefit available to our Society if a person’s individual donation totals €250 or over in any tax year under the Charitable Donations Scheme operated by the Irish Revenue Commissioners. This can be claimed by us if you have paid income tax or capital gains tax for that year and at no extra cost to you and without disclosing any of your tax details whatsoever to us. All you need to do is to sign a certificate (CHY3) required by the Revenue Commissioners giving your name, address, contact details and PPS number and send it to St, Joseph’s Young Priests Society, 23 Merrion Square, Dublin 2. DO2 XEO2
The benefit to our Society would be significant as this would enable us to claim taxback that would add almost 45% to your donation

Click here for CHY3 Cert and explanatory notes.

Corporate Donations

The amount of any corporate donation to our Society, Revenue Charity No. CHY 158, can be set off as a business expense against profits for the purposes of tax assessment on profits for the year,
In the case of a corporate donation to a charity, the tax benefit goes to the donor whereas in the case of a donation to a charity by an individual person the tax benefit is made available to the charity rather than the donor, as detailed above.


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